Wednesday, May 21, 2014

al Qaeda Makes Threats Towards U.S.

The stream of threats coming in from al Qaeda to attack American and Western targets in Europe and also threats to launch attacks on United States soil, has sparked much worry and concern within the U.S. intelligence. 

Officials are busy trying to find out the extent of which al Qaeda would go and how these threats might be linked to the strength of their own country in other countries. 

According to a senior U.S. official, none of the threats that have surfaced throughout the past 6 months has been confirmed. He also said that “the threats appear to detail “a lot of activity where intelligence suggests there are operational cells,” but so far “we do not see operational cells of al Qaeda inside the United States.” 

U.S analysts and officials don’t appear to be concerned about al Qaeda attacking inside of the U.S because they would have so much difficulty penetrating U.S. homeland security. Though our homeland security might be a bit hard to penetrate, there are still many worries being surfaced, such as:

1.Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

This appears to be the #1 concern due to the efforts being put forth by Yemen-based al Qaeda  within the Arabian Peninsula to form an attack against the United States, Europe and inside Yemen. 

Also, the U.S. embassy was closed several weeks ago and is suspected to be closed for a longer period of time due to the threats being received. 

"officials confirm to CNN that the core al Qaeda group in Pakistan is also seeking to place operatives in places to attack U.S. targets overseas and domestically. U.S. officials confirm an operative who uses the code name Abdullah al-Shami, who is living in Pakistan, may now be heading that group's efforts to plan external attacks."

As stated in the above article, this isn’t the first time nor is it foreign for al Qaeda to make threats towards the United States. However, it is a concern of mine, that the U.S. might not be taking the threats as serious as they probably should. I am pretty sure this is exactly what al Qaeda wants, for us to put our guards down and maybe not ignore the threats, but condone them a lot more than we should be. It worries me that back when 9-11 occurred, the United States received threats, but clearly they were never taken as serious, and look where that got the country. 

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